Lottery Results Scratch Cards
4/7/2022 admin
The winners of each weekly Christmas Bonus Draw from all Irish National Lottery Christmas scratch cards will be posted here. Find out if you've won €1,000! Scratch-Off Games. Filter by price. Game Name (A-Z) Game Name (A-Z) Game Name (Z-A) Release Date (New-Old) Release Date (Old-New) Price (Low-High). New York Lottery trademarks and service marks may be used only with the prior permission of the New York State Gaming Commission. Use of this website signifies your.
- New York Lottery Scratch Cards
- Lottery Scratch Cards Secrets
- Lottery Results Scratch Cards 2019
- Lottery Results Scratch Cards 2020
- New Lottery Scratch Cards
- Remaining Prizes Lottery Scratch Cards
Prize | Code | Other Code Combinations |
$1.00 | ONE | OEN, NOE, NEO, EON, ENO |
$2.00 | TWO | TOW, WTO, WOT, OTW, OWT |
$3.00 | THR | TRH, HTR, HRT, RTH, RHT |
$4.00 | FOR | FRO, OFR, ORF, RFO, ROF |
$5.00 | FIV | FVI, IFV, IVF, VFI, VIF |
$6.00 | SIX | SXI, ISX, IXS, XSI, XIS |
$7.00 | SEV | SVE, ESV, EVS, VSE, VES |
$8.00 | EGH | EHG, GEH, GHE, HEG, HGE |
$9.00 | NIN | INN, NNI |
$10.00 | TEN | TNE, ETN, ENT, NTE, NET |
$11.00 | ELV | EVL, LEV, LVE, VEL, VLE |
$12.00 | TWL | TLW, WTL, WLT, LTW, LWT |
$13.00 | TTR | TRT, RTT |
$14.00 | FRT | FTR, RFT, RTF, TFR, TRF |
$15.00 | FTN | FNT, TFN, TNF, NFT, NTF |
$16.00 | SXT | STX, XST, XTS, TSX, TXS |
$17.00 | SVT | STV, VST, VTS, TSV, TVS |
$18.00 | EGT | ETG, GET, GTE, TEG, TGE |
$19.00 | NIT | NTI, INT, ITN, TNI, TIN |
$20.00 | TWN | TNW, WTN, WNT, NTW, NWT |
$21.00 | TON | TNO, OTN, ONT, NTO, NOT |
$22.00 | TTO | TOT, OTT |
$23.00 | TTE | TET, ETT |
$24.00 | TFR | TRF, FTR, FRT, RTF, RFT |
$24.00 | TNR | TRN, NTR, NRT, RTN, RNT |
$25.00 | FMZ | FZM, MFZ, MZF, ZFM, ZMF |
$30.00 | ANZ | AZN, NAZ, NZA, ZAN, ZNA |
$32.00 | CZN | CNZ, ZCN, ZNC, NCZ, NZC |
$33.00 | DZN | DNZ, ZDN, ZND, NDZ, NZD |
$34.00 | THF | TFH, HTF, HFT, FTH, FHT |
$35.00 | FNZ | FZN, NFZ, NZF, ZFN, ZNF |
$40.00 | APZ | AZP, PAZ, PZA, ZAP, ZPA |
$43.00 | PZD | PDZ, ZPD, ZDP, DPZ, DZP |
$45.00 | FPZ | FZP, PFZ, PZF, ZFP, ZPF |
$50.00 | FTY | FYT, TFY, TYF, YFT, YTF |
$55.00 | FQZ | FZQ, QFZ, QZF, ZFQ, ZQF |
$60.00 | SZA | SAZ, ZSA, ZAS, ASZ, AZS |
$63.00 | DZS | DSZ, ZDS, ZSD, SDZ, SZD |
$70.00 | AZT | ATZ, ZAT, ZTA, TAZ, TZA |
$75.00 | FTZ | FZT, TFZ, TZF, ZFT, ZTF |
$80.00 | XAZ | XZA, AXZ, AZX, ZXA, ZAX |
$90.00 | AYZ | AZY, YAZ, YZA, ZAY, ZYA |
$100.00 | HUN | HNU, UHN, UNH, NHU, NUH |
$110.00 | OLA | OAL, LOA, LAO, AOL, ALO |
$111.00 | OLB | OBL, LOB, LBO, BOL, BLO |
$112.00 | OLC | OCL, LOC, LCO, COL, CLO |
$115.00 | OLF | OFL, LOF, LFO, FOL, FLO |
$120.00 | AMO | AOM, MAO, MOA, OAM, OMA |
$121.00 | BMO | BOM, MBO, MOB, OBM, OMB |
$130.00 | ANO | AON, NAO, NOA, OAN, ONA |
$150.00 | AOQ | AQO, OAQ, OQA, QAO, QOA |
$165.00 | OSF | OFS, SOF, SFO, FOS, FSO |
$200.00 | AKW | AWK, KAW, KWA, WAK, WKA |
$250.00 | TVO | TOV, VTO, VOT, OTV, OVT |
$300.00 | AKR | ARK, KAR, KRA, RAK, RKA |
$400.00 | AKU | AUK, KAU, KUA, UAK, UKA |
$500.00 | FVH | FHV, VFH, VHF, HFV, HVF |
$600.00 | AKA | KAA, AAK |
Notes: The codes pertain to prizes of $600 or less. Anything over $600 must be claimed at a Lottery Customer Service Center.
Warning: The Lottery does not encourage players to rely solely on these codes when determining the value of a ticket. Please play responsibly.
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100% of profits go to homelessness prevention and assistance programs.
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100% of profits dedicated to an Illinois free of HIV/AIDS
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100% of profits go toward supporting police memorials in Illinois
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Add all 3 numbers for each GAME. If the total is 7, 11 or 21 in a single GAME, win PRIZE shown for that GAME.
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$ / ticket
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